Friday, March 30, 2007

We're Off to Round Top, Texas!

This weekend and next week Texas holds the biggest antique festival called the Marburger Antique Festival in Round Top, Texas. Yes, it's in the middle of nowhere....but who cares, everything in Texas is in the middle of nowhere! Four giant tents that could strecth over a football field, five big top tents, twelve vintage buildings, food court, a lake and 27 acres set aside for parking. That's why they say "Everything's Bigger in Texas"!!! 400 vendors from 39 states! I think I might pee my pants I am so excited! Carolyn and I will be down there Friday -Sunday. Don't worry....well document our trip and post as soon as we can. I have already told my husband I'm taking his big truck down there so I can stack as many pieces of furniture in there as I can.

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